Source code for atom.atom

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2013-2023, Nucleic Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
# The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import ClassVar, Iterator, Mapping

from .catom import CAtom, Member
from .meta import AtomMeta, add_member, observe, set_default  # noqa

# The above are imported to avoid breaking code relying on internals

def __newobj__(cls, *args):
    """A compatibility pickler function.

    This function is not part of the public Atom api.

    return cls.__new__(cls, *args)

[docs] class Atom(CAtom, metaclass=AtomMeta): """The base class for defining atom objects. `Atom` objects are special Python objects which never allocate an instance dictionary unless one is explicitly requested. The storage for an atom is instead computed from the `Member` objects declared on the class. Memory is reserved for these members with no over allocation. This restriction make atom objects a bit less flexible than normal Python objects, but they are between 3x-10x more memory efficient than normal objects depending on the number of attributes. """ __atom_members__: ClassVar[Mapping[str, Member]]
[docs] @classmethod def members(cls) -> Mapping[str, Member]: """Get the members dictionary for the type. Returns ------- result : Mapping[str, Member] The dictionary of members defined on the class. User code should not modify the contents of the dict. """ return cls.__atom_members__
[docs] @contextmanager def suppress_notifications(self) -> Iterator[None]: """Disable member notifications within in a context. Returns ------- result : contextmanager A context manager which disables atom notifications for the duration of the context. When the context exits, the state is restored to its previous value. """ old = self.set_notifications_enabled(False) yield self.set_notifications_enabled(old)
def __reduce_ex__(self, proto): """An implementation of the reduce protocol. This method creates a reduction tuple for Atom instances. This method should not be overridden by subclasses unless the author fully understands the rammifications. """ args = (type(self), *self.__getnewargs__()) return (__newobj__, args, self.__getstate__()) def __getnewargs__(self): """Get the argument tuple to pass to __new__ on unpickling. See the docs for more information. """ return ()