Source code for atom.coerced

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2013-2023, Nucleic Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
# The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
from .catom import DefaultValue, Member, Validate
from .typing_utils import extract_types, is_optional

[docs] class Coerced(Member): """A member which will coerce a value to a given instance type. Unlike Typed or Instance, a Coerced value is not intended to be set to None. """ __slots__ = () def __init__(self, kind, args=None, kwargs=None, *, factory=None, coercer=None): """Initialize a Coerced. Parameters ---------- kind : type or tuple of types The allowable types for the value. args : tuple, optional If 'factory' is None, then 'kind' is a callable type and these arguments will be passed to the constructor to create the default value. kwargs : dict, optional If 'factory' is None, then 'kind' is a callable type and these keywords will be passed to the constructor to create the default value. factory : callable, optional An optional callable which takes no arguments and returns the default value for the member. If this is not provided then 'args' and 'kwargs' should be provided, as 'kind' will be used to generate the default value. coercer : callable, optional An optional callable which takes the value and returns the coerced value. If this is not given, then 'kind' must be a callable type which will be called with the value to coerce the value to the appropriate type. """ origin = kind kind = extract_types(kind) opt, temp = is_optional(kind) if factory is not None: self.set_default_value_mode(DefaultValue.CallObject, factory) else: args = args or () kwargs = kwargs or {} if opt: def factory(): return None else: def factory(): return kind[0](*args, **kwargs) self.set_default_value_mode(DefaultValue.CallObject, factory) if not coercer and (isinstance(origin, tuple) or len(temp) > 1): raise ValueError(f"No coercer was provided but {origin} is not callable.") self.set_validate_mode(Validate.Coerced, (kind, coercer or temp[0]))