Source code for atom.enum

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2013-2023, Nucleic Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
# The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
from .catom import DefaultValue, Member, Validate

[docs] class Enum(Member): """A member where the value can be one in a sequence of items.""" __slots__ = () def __init__(self, *items): """Initialize an Enum. Parameters ---------- *items The allowed values which can be assigned to the enum. """ if len(items) == 0: raise ValueError("an Enum requires at least 1 item") self.set_default_value_mode(DefaultValue.Static, items[0]) self.set_validate_mode(Validate.Enum, items) @property def items(self): """A readonly property which returns the items in the enum.""" return self.validate_mode[1]
[docs] def added(self, *items): """Create a clone of the Enum with added items. Parameters ---------- *items Additional items to include in the Enum. Returns ------- result : Enum A new enum object which contains all of the original items plus the new items. """ olditems = self.items newitems = olditems + items clone = self.clone() clone.set_validate_mode(Validate.Enum, newitems) return clone
[docs] def removed(self, *items): """Create a clone of the Enum with some items removed. Parameters ---------- *items The items to remove remove from the new enum. Returns ------- result : Enum A new enum object which contains all of the original items but with the given items removed. """ newitems = tuple(i for i in self.items if i not in items) if len(newitems) == 0: raise ValueError("an Enum requires at least 1 item") clone = self.clone() clone.set_default_value_mode(DefaultValue.Static, newitems[0]) clone.set_validate_mode(Validate.Enum, newitems) return clone
def __call__(self, item): """Create a clone of the Enum item with a new default. Parameters ---------- item : object The item to use as the Enum default. The item must be one of the valid enum items. """ if item not in self.items: raise TypeError("invalid enum value") clone = self.clone() clone.set_default_value_mode(DefaultValue.Static, item) return clone