Source code for atom.scalars

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2013-2023, Nucleic Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
# The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
from .catom import DefaultValue, DelAttr, GetState, Member, SetAttr, Validate
from .typing_utils import extract_types

[docs] class Value(Member): """A member class which supports value initialization. A plain `Value` provides support for default values and factories, but does not perform any type checking or validation. It serves as a useful base class for scalar members and can be used for cases where type checking is not needed (like private attributes). """ __slots__ = () def __init__(self, default=None, *, factory=None): """Initialize a Value. Parameters ---------- default : object, optional The default value for the member. If this is provided, it should be an immutable value. The value will will not be copied between owner instances. factory : callable, optional A callable object which is called with zero arguments and returns a default value for the member. This will override any value given by `default`. """ if factory is not None: self.set_default_value_mode(DefaultValue.CallObject, factory) else: self.set_default_value_mode(DefaultValue.Static, default)
[docs] class ReadOnly(Value): """A value which can be assigned once and is then read-only.""" __slots__ = () def __init__(self, kind=None, *, default=None, factory=None): super(ReadOnly, self).__init__(default, factory=factory) self.set_setattr_mode(SetAttr.ReadOnly, None) self.set_delattr_mode(DelAttr.ReadOnly, None) self.set_getstate_mode(GetState.IncludeNonDefault, None) if kind: self.set_validate_mode(Validate.Instance, extract_types(kind))
[docs] class Constant(Value): """A value which cannot be changed from its default.""" __slots__ = () def __init__(self, default=None, *, factory=None, kind=None): super(Constant, self).__init__(default, factory=factory) self.set_setattr_mode(SetAttr.Constant, None) self.set_delattr_mode(DelAttr.Constant, None) self.set_getstate_mode(GetState.Exclude, None) if kind: self.set_validate_mode(Validate.Instance, extract_types(kind))
[docs] class Callable(Value): """A value which is callable.""" __slots__ = () def __init__(self, default=None, *, factory=None): super(Callable, self).__init__(default, factory=factory) self.set_validate_mode(Validate.Callable, None)
[docs] class Bool(Value): """A value of type `bool`.""" __slots__ = () def __init__(self, default=False, *, factory=None): super(Bool, self).__init__(default, factory=factory) self.set_validate_mode(Validate.Bool, None)
[docs] class Int(Value): """A value of type `int`. By default, ints are strictly typed. Pass strict=False to the constructor to enable int casting for longs and floats. """ __slots__ = () def __init__(self, default=0, *, factory=None, strict=True): super(Int, self).__init__(default, factory=factory) if strict: self.set_validate_mode(Validate.Int, None) else: self.set_validate_mode(Validate.IntPromote, None)
[docs] class FloatRange(Value): """A float value clipped to a range. By default, ints and longs will be promoted to floats. Pass strict=True to the constructor to enable strict float checking. """ __slots__ = () def __init__(self, low=None, high=None, value=None, *, strict=False): if low is not None and high is not None and low > high: low, high = high, low default = 0.0 if value is not None: default = value elif low is not None: default = low elif high is not None: default = high super(FloatRange, self).__init__(default) if strict: self.set_validate_mode(Validate.FloatRange, (low, high)) else: self.set_validate_mode(Validate.FloatRangePromote, (low, high))
[docs] class Range(Value): """An integer value clipped to a range.""" __slots__ = () def __init__(self, low=None, high=None, value=None): if low is not None and high is not None and low > high: low, high = high, low default = 0 if value is not None: default = value elif low is not None: default = low elif high is not None: default = high super(Range, self).__init__(default) self.set_validate_mode(Validate.Range, (low, high))
[docs] class Float(Value): """A value of type `float`. By default, ints and longs will be promoted to floats. Pass strict=True to the constructor to enable strict float checking. """ __slots__ = () def __init__(self, default=0.0, *, factory=None, strict=False): super(Float, self).__init__(default, factory=factory) if strict: self.set_validate_mode(Validate.Float, None) else: self.set_validate_mode(Validate.FloatPromote, None)
[docs] class Bytes(Value): """A value of type `bytes`. By default, strings will NOT be promoted to bytes. Pass strict=False to the constructor to enable loose byte checking. """ __slots__ = () def __init__(self, default=b"", *, factory=None, strict=True): super(Bytes, self).__init__(default, factory=factory) if strict: self.set_validate_mode(Validate.Bytes, None) else: self.set_validate_mode(Validate.BytesPromote, None)
[docs] class Str(Value): """A value of type `str`. By default, bytes will NOT be promoted to strings. Pass strict=False to the constructor to enable loose string checking. """ def __init__(self, default="", *, factory=None, strict=True): super(Str, self).__init__(default, factory=factory) if strict: self.set_validate_mode(Validate.Str, None) else: self.set_validate_mode(Validate.StrPromote, None)