Source code for atom.set

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2019-2023, Nucleic Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
# The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
from .catom import DefaultValue, Member, Validate
from .instance import Instance
from .typing_utils import extract_types, is_optional

[docs] class Set(Member): """A member which allows set values. Assigning to a set creates a copy. The original set will remain unmodified. This is similar to the semantics of the assignment operator on the C++ STL container classes. """ __slots__ = "item" def __init__(self, item=None, default=None): """Initialize a Set. Parameters ---------- item : Member, type, or tuple of types, optional A member to use for validating the types of items allowed in the set. This can also be a type object or a tuple of types, in which case it will be wrapped with an Instance member. If this is not given, no item validation is performed. default : list, optional The default list of values. A new copy of this list will be created for each atom instance. """ self.set_default_value_mode(DefaultValue.Set, default) if item is not None and not isinstance(item, Member): opt, types = is_optional(extract_types(item)) item = Instance(types, optional=opt) self.item = item self.set_validate_mode(Validate.Set, item)
[docs] def set_name(self, name): """Assign the name to this member. This method is called by the Atom metaclass when a class is created. This makes sure the name of the internal members are also updated. """ super(Set, self).set_name(name) item = self.item if item is not None: item.set_name(name + "|item")
[docs] def set_index(self, index): """Assign the index to this member. This method is called by the Atom metaclass when a class is created. This makes sure the index of the internal members are also updated. """ super(Set, self).set_index(index) item = self.item if item is not None: item.set_index(index)
[docs] def clone(self): """Create a clone of the member. This will clone the internal set item members if they exist. """ clone = super(Set, self).clone() item = self.item if item is not None: clone.item = item_clone = item.clone() mode, ctxt = self.validate_mode clone.set_validate_mode(mode, item_clone) else: clone.item = None return clone