atom.catom module
catom extension module
- class atom.catom.CAtom
- freeze()
Freeze the atom to prevent further modifications to its attributes.
- get_member()
Get the named member for the atom.
- has_observer()
Get whether the atom has the given observer for a given topic.
- has_observers()
Get whether the atom has observers for a given topic.
- notifications_enabled()
Get whether notification is enabled for the atom.
- notify()
Call the registered observers for a given topic with positional and keyword arguments.
- observe()
Register an observer callback to observe changes on the given topic(s).
- set_notifications_enabled()
Enable or disable notifications for the atom.
- unobserve()
Unregister an observer callback for the given topic(s).
- class atom.catom.ChangeType(value)
An enumeration.
- ANY = 255
- CREATE = 1
- DELETE = 4
- EVENT = 8
- UPDATE = 2
- class atom.catom.DefaultValue(value)
An enumeration.
- CallObject = 8
- CallObject_Object = 9
- CallObject_ObjectName = 10
- DefaultDict = 5
- Delegate = 7
- Dict = 4
- List = 2
- MemberMethod_Object = 13
- NoOp = 0
- NonOptional = 6
- ObjectMethod = 11
- ObjectMethod_Name = 12
- Set = 3
- Static = 1
- class atom.catom.DelAttr(value)
An enumeration.
- Constant = 2
- Delegate = 6
- Event = 4
- NoOp = 0
- Property = 7
- ReadOnly = 3
- Signal = 5
- Slot = 1
- class atom.catom.GetAttr(value)
An enumeration.
- CachedProperty = 6
- CallObject_Object = 7
- CallObject_ObjectName = 8
- Delegate = 4
- Event = 2
- MemberMethod_Object = 11
- NoOp = 0
- ObjectMethod = 9
- ObjectMethod_Name = 10
- Property = 5
- Signal = 3
- Slot = 1
- class atom.catom.GetState(value)
An enumeration.
- Exclude = 1
- Include = 0
- IncludeNonDefault = 2
- MemberMethod_Object = 5
- ObjectMethod_Name = 4
- Property = 3
- class atom.catom.Member
- add_static_observer()
Add the name of a method to call on all atoms when the member changes.
- clone()
Create a clone of this member.
- copy_static_observers()
Copy the static observers from one member into this member.
- default_value_mode
Get the default value mode for the member.
- del_slot()
Delete the atom’s slot value directly.
- delattr_mode
Get the delattr mode for the member.
- do_default_value()
Run the default value handler for member.
- do_delattr()
Run the delattr handler for the member.
- do_full_validate()
Run the validation and post validation handlers for the member.
- do_getattr()
Run the getattr handler for the member.
- do_post_getattr()
Run the post getattr handler for the member.
- do_post_setattr()
Run the post setattr handler for the member.
- do_post_validate()
Run the post validation handler for the member.
- do_setattr()
Run the setattr handler for the member.
- do_should_getstate()
Run the validation and post validation handlers for the member.
- do_validate()
Run the validation handler for the member.
- get_slot()
Get the atom’s slot value directly.
- getattr_mode
Get the getattr mode for the member.
- getstate_mode
Get the getstate mode for the member
- has_observer()
Get whether or not the member already has the given observer.
- has_observers()
Get whether or not this member has observers.
- index
Get the index to which the member is bound
- metadata
Get and set the metadata for the member.
- name
Get the name to which the member is bound.
- notify()
Notify the static observers for the given member and atom.
- post_getattr_mode
Get the post getattr mode for the member.
- post_setattr_mode
Get the post setattr mode for the member.
- post_validate_mode
Get the post validate mode for the member.
- remove_static_observer()
Remove the name of a method to call on all atoms when the member changes.
- set_default_value_mode()
Set the default value mode for the member.
- set_delattr_mode()
Set the delattr mode for the member.
- set_getattr_mode()
Set the getattr mode for the member.
- set_getstate_mode()
Set the getstate mode for the member.
- set_index()
Set the index to which the member is bound. Use with extreme caution!
- set_name()
Set the name to which the member is bound. Use with extreme caution!
- set_post_getattr_mode()
Set the post getattr mode for the member.
- set_post_setattr_mode()
Set the post setattr mode for the member.
- set_post_validate_mode()
Set the post validate mode for the member.
- set_setattr_mode()
Set the setattr mode for the member.
- set_slot()
Set the atom’s slot value directly.
- set_validate_mode()
Set the validate mode for the member.
- setattr_mode
Get the setattr mode for the member.
- static_observers()
Get a tuple of the static observers defined for this member
- tag()
Tag the member with metatdata.
- validate_mode
Get the validate mode for the member.
- class atom.catom.PostGetAttr(value)
An enumeration.
- Delegate = 1
- MemberMethod_ObjectValue = 4
- NoOp = 0
- ObjectMethod_NameValue = 3
- ObjectMethod_Value = 2
- class atom.catom.PostSetAttr(value)
An enumeration.
- Delegate = 1
- MemberMethod_ObjectOldNew = 4
- NoOp = 0
- ObjectMethod_NameOldNew = 3
- ObjectMethod_OldNew = 2
- class atom.catom.PostValidate(value)
An enumeration.
- Delegate = 1
- MemberMethod_ObjectOldNew = 4
- NoOp = 0
- ObjectMethod_NameOldNew = 3
- ObjectMethod_OldNew = 2
- class atom.catom.SetAttr(value)
An enumeration.
- CallObject_ObjectNameValue = 9
- CallObject_ObjectValue = 8
- Constant = 2
- Delegate = 6
- Event = 4
- MemberMethod_ObjectValue = 12
- NoOp = 0
- ObjectMethod_NameValue = 11
- ObjectMethod_Value = 10
- Property = 7
- ReadOnly = 3
- Signal = 5
- Slot = 1
- class atom.catom.Validate(value)
An enumeration.
- Bool = 1
- Bytes = 6
- BytesPromote = 7
- Callable = 23
- Coerced = 27
- ContainerList = 13
- DefaultDict = 16
- Delegate = 28
- Dict = 15
- Enum = 22
- FixedTuple = 11
- Float = 4
- FloatPromote = 5
- FloatRange = 24
- FloatRangePromote = 25
- Instance = 18
- Int = 2
- IntPromote = 3
- List = 12
- MemberMethod_ObjectOldNew = 31
- NoOp = 0
- ObjectMethod_NameOldNew = 30
- ObjectMethod_OldNew = 29
- OptionalInstance = 17
- OptionalTyped = 19
- Range = 26
- Set = 14
- Str = 8
- StrPromote = 9
- Subclass = 21
- Tuple = 10
- Typed = 20
- class atom.catom.atomclist(iterable=(), /)
- append()
L.append(object) – append object to end
- extend()
L.extend(iterable) – extend list by appending elements from the iterable
- insert()
L.insert(index, object) – insert object before index
- pop([index]) item -- remove and return item at index (default last).
Raises IndexError if list is empty or index is out of range.
- remove()
L.remove(value) – remove first occurrence of value. Raises ValueError if the value is not present.
- reverse()
L.reverse() – reverse IN PLACE
- sort()
L.sort(cmp=None, key=None, reverse=False) – stable sort IN PLACE; cmp(x, y) -> -1, 0, 1
- class atom.catom.atomdict
- setdefault(k[, d]) D.get(k,d), also set D[k]=d if k not in D
- update([E, ]**F) None. Update D from dict/iterable E and F
- class atom.catom.atomlist(iterable=(), /)
- append()
L.append(object) – append object to end
- extend()
L.extend(iterable) – extend list by appending elements from the iterable
- insert()
L.insert(index, object) – insert object before index
- class atom.catom.atomref
- class atom.catom.atomset
- add()
Add an element to a set.
- difference_update()
Update a set with the difference of itself and another.
- intersection_update()
Update a set with the intersection of itself and another.
- symmetric_difference_update()
Update a set with the symmetric difference of itself and another.
- update()
Update a set with the union of itself and another.
- atom.catom.reset_property()
Reset a Property member. For internal use only!