atom.tuple module

class atom.tuple.FixedTuple(*items, default=None)[source]

Bases: Member

A member which allows tuple values with a fixed number of items.

Items are always validated and can be of different types. Assignment will create a copy of the original tuple before validating the items, since validation may change the item values.


Create a clone of the tuple.

This will clone the internal tuple item if one is in use.

items: Tuple[Member, ...]

Members used to validate each element of the tuple.


Assign the index to this member.

This method ensures that the item member index is also updated.


Set the name of the member.

This method ensures that the item member name is also updated.

class atom.tuple.Tuple(item=None, default=())[source]

Bases: Member

A member which allows tuple values.

If item validation is used, then assignment will create a copy of the original tuple before validating the items, since validation may change the item values.


Create a clone of the tuple.

This will clone the internal tuple item if one is in use.


Assign the index to this member.

This method ensures that the item member index is also updated.


Set the name of the member.

This method ensures that the item member name is also updated.